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Our Equipment

Concrete Block Sale Services Montreal
-Freightliner Truck 550 HP
-5-axle Trailer 28x28, loading capacity 36,000 kg (79,000 lbs)
Concrete Block Sales Montreal
-Boom Truck with 20' platform, loading capacity 13,800 kg (30,360 lbs)
-25' flatbed trailer with 5' drop, loading capacity 20,000 kg (44,000 lbs)
-The crane (arm) has a horizontal reach of 30' and a vertical reach of 40' with a maximum capacity of 7500 lbs.
Concrete Block Rental Services Montreal
Each truck includes a self-supporting lift with a lifting capacity of 7500 lbs.

Rough Blocks

Concrete Block Rentals Montreal
Code BR232
Dimensions 2' H x 3' D x 2' W
Weight 1850 lbs

-3' thick retaining wall

-Blocking parking lots or streets

-Structural anchoring


-Structural foundation

-Building protection

-½ block of 2x3x4 for joint reinforcement

Concrete block transport service Montreal
Code BR234
Dimensions 2' H x 3' D x 4’ L
Weight 3700 lbs
-3’ thick retaining wall
-Street blocking
-Structural foundation
-Structural anchorage
-Building protection
-½ block of 2x3x8 for joint reinforcement

* This block is usually used to hold the marquees.

Concrete Block Transportation Montreal
Code BR238
Dimensions 2' H x 3' D x 8' L
Weight 7400 lbs
-3' thick retaining wall
-Street obstruction
-Structural foundation
-Structural anchorage
-Building protection
Lifting specialist Montreal
Lifting service Montreal
Code BR222
Dimensions 2' H x 2' D x 2' L
Weight 1100 lbs
-2' thick retaining wall
-Blocking parking lots or streets
-½ block of 2x2x4 for joint reinforcement
-Protecting buildings
Heavy Equipment Transport Montreal
Code BR224
Dimensions 2' H x 2' D x 4' L
Weight 2200 lbs
-2' thick retaining wall
-Street obstruction
-Structural foundation
-Structural anchorage
-Building protection

Rough Block (ruff) 
(embedded steel cable)

Heavy Machinery Transportation Montréal
Concrete Block Sale Services Montreal
Code Dimensions (FT) Weight (lbs)
BRE233 2X3X3 2800
BRE234 2X3X4 3700
BRE236 2X3X6 5550
-Structural anchorage (e.g., for tents)
-Retaining wall
-Street obstruction
-Structural foundation
-Building protection

Tenon and Smooth Block

Blocks featuring tenon and smooth surfaces are utilized for constructing vertical walls without setbacks.

The blocks easily fit together in any direction. By installing perpendicular blocks, you can create a reinforcement column. This helps to strengthen tall sections of the wall or areas with heavy loads. 

Make sure to consult an engineer to design the structure that meets your requirements.

Concrete Block Sales Montreal

Example of how to build a reinforcement column

Concrete Block Rental Services Montreal

Block with tenon

Code Dimensions (FT) Weight (lbs)
BT222 2'H x 2'D x 2'L 1100
BT224 2'H x 2'D x 4'L 2200
BT226 2'H x 2'D x 6'L 3300
BT228 2'H x 2'D x 8'L 4400
Concrete Block Rentals Montreal
Concrete block transport service Montreal
Lifting specialist Montreal
Lifting service Montreal

Smooth Finish Block

Code Dimensions (FT) Weight (lbs)
BTL222 2'H x 2'D x 2'L 1100
BTL224 2'H x 2'D x 4'L 2200
BTL226 2'H x 2'D x 6'L 3300
BTL228 2'H x 2'D x 8'L 4400
Heavy Equipment Transport Montreal
Heavy Machinery Transportation Montréal
Concrete Block Sale Services Montreal
Concrete Block Sales Montreal

Decorative Block

Concrete Block Rentals Montreal
Concrete block transport service Montreal
Code Weight
BD222 1150 lbs
BD 224 2300 lbs
Description :
-Decorative block measuring 2 feet deep with locking mechanism.
-2-foot thick retaining wall.
-Building protection.
-Decorative wall.

Decorative Concrete Blocks

Concrete Block Transportation Montreal
Code Dimensions Weight
BD234 2' H x 3' D x 4' L 3700 lbs
Description :
-3-foot thick retaining wall
-Building protection
-Decorative wall
-Features a rear cable for sideways installation to achieve a 3-foot height wall
Code Dimensions Weight
BD238 2' H x 3' D x 8' L 7400 LBS
Description :
-3-foot thick retaining wall
-Building protection
-Decorative wall
-Comes with a rear cable for sideways installation to achieve a 3-foot height wall.

Concrete Block Brick

Lifting specialist Montreal
Code Dimensions Weight
BB224 2' H x 2' D x 4' L 2300 lbs
Description :
-2-foot thick retaining wall
-Protects buildings
-Decorative wall
Code Dimensions Weight
BB226 2' H x 2' D x 6' L 3450 lbs
Description :
-2-foot thick retaining wall
-Building protection
-Decorative wall


Granite Block

The Granite Block range: your answer for decorative, durable, and cost-effective landscaping projects.

The design mimics quarry stone while maintaining the practicality of standard concrete blocks. Interlocking design ensures shape retention and resistance to displacement.

The concrete composition is tailored for the Quebec and Canadian climates.

Suitable for both commercial and residential landscaping projects, as well as small-scale retaining wall projects.

Types of Block

WITH TENON (interlocking) :Allows for easy installation and ensures block alignment and resistance to displacement caused by freezing and soil pressure.

 Symmetrical design allows perpendicular joining of 2 blocks.

FLAT (smooth) :Available in a flat version, they do not interlock.

FINISHED LAWN (recessed) :Lowering the top of the block by 5 inches (12.5cm) reduces its visibility, allowing for more personalized landscaping:

-Lawn finish
-Garden bed

Lifting service Montreal
Heavy Equipment Transport Montreal

Left or Right-facing Tenon

Code Dimensions Weight
GB222- G / D 2' H x 2' D x 2' L 1100 lbs

Tenon Face

Code Size (ft) Weight
GB222- C 2' H x 2' P x 2' L 1100 lbs

Left-facing Tenon

Heavy Machinery Transportation Montréal
Code Dimensions Weight
GB224-G 2' H x 2' D x 4' L 2200 lbs

Right-facing Tenon

Concrete Block Sale Services Montreal
Code Dimensions Weight
GB224-D 2' H x 2' D x 4' L 2200 lbs

Tenon face

Concrete Block Sales Montreal
Concrete Block Rental Services Montreal
Code Dimensions Weight
GB224-C 2' H x 2' D x 4' L 2200 lbs
Concrete Block Rentals Montreal

Top Flat Face

Code Dimensions Weight
GBL222-C 2' H x 2' W x 2' L 1100 lbs

Left or Right Top Flat Face

Code Dimensions Weight
GBL222- G/D 2' H x 2' W x 2' L 1100 lbs

Left Flat Face

Concrete block transport service Montreal
Code Dimensions Weight
GBL224-G 2' H x 2' D x 4' L 2200 lbs

Right Flat Face

Concrete Block Transportation Montreal
Code Dimensions Weight
GBL224-D 2' H x 2' D x 4' L 2200 lbs
Lifting specialist Montreal
Lifting service Montreal

Flat Face

Code Weight
GBL224-C 2200 lbs

Right-faced Brick

Heavy Equipment Transport Montreal
Code Dimensions Weight
GBB224-D 2' H x 2' D x 4' L 1450 lbs

Left face grass

Heavy Machinery Transportation Montréal
Code Dimensions Weight
GBB224-G 2' H x 2' W x 4' L 1450 lbs

Prefabricated Architectural Blocks


Architectural blocks are precast concrete blocks with hollow cores and interlocking features, specifically engineered for constructing retaining walls. Their dimensions make them versatile for various residential or commercial landscaping projects. They boast easy transportation and installation, even in challenging locations. 

The lightweight nature of these blocks reduces handling requirements, minimizes tool usage, and lowers transportation expenses.

They are ideal for : 

  • Residential landscaping projects
  • Commercial landscaping projects
  • Parks
  • Gardens
  • And more
Concrete Block Sale Services Montreal

Prefab Architectural Blocks with Tenon

Concrete Block Sales Montreal

Exposed Face

Concrete Block Rentals Montreal

Exposed Face - Right Corner

Concrete Block Transportation Montreal

Exposed Face - Left Corner

Description Dimensions Weight (lbs)
Rock-face 2' H x 2' L x 2' D 1165
Rock-face- right corner 2' H x 2' L x 2' D 1355
Rock-face- left corner 2' H x 2' L x 2' D 1355
Lifting service Montreal

Exposed Face - Right Corner

Heavy Equipment Transport Montreal

Exposed Face

Concrete Block Sale Services Montreal

Exposed Face - Left Corner

Description Dimensions Weight (lbs)
Exposed Face 2' H x 2' L x 4' D 2375
Exposed Face - Right Corner 2' H x 2' L x 4' D 2565
Exposed Face - Left Corner 2' H x 2' L x 4' D 2565

Prefab Architectural Blocks, Flat Finish

Concrete Block Sales Montreal

Flat Finish - Right Corner

Concrete Block Rentals Montreal

Flat Finish - Exposed Face

Concrete Block Transportation Montreal

Flat Finish - Left Corner

Description Dimensions Weight (lbs)
Flat finish - left corner 2' H x 2' L x 2' D 1355
Flat finish- centre 2' H x 2' L x 2' D 1155
Flat finish- right corner 2' H x 2' L x 2' D 1355
Heavy Machinery Transportation Montréal

Flat Finish - Right Corner

Concrete Block Rental Services Montreal

Flat Finish - Exposed Face

Concrete Block Rentals Montreal

Flat Finish - Left Corner

Description Dimensions Weight (lbs)
Flat Finish - Right Corner 2' H x 2' L x 4' D 2520
Flat Finish - Exposed Face 2' H x 2' L x 4' D 2320
Flat Finish - Left Corner 2' H x 2' L x 4' D 2520

Prefab Architectural Blocks, L-shaped Finish

Concrete Block Sale Services Montreal

Exposed Face - Right Corner

Concrete Block Rental Services Montreal

Exposed Face

Concrete Block Sales Montreal

Exposed Face - Left Corner

Description Dimensions Weight (lbs)
Exposed Face 2’H x 2’D x 2’L 780
Exposed Face - Right Corner 2’H x 2’D x 2’L 1110
Exposed Face - Left Corner 2’H x 2’D x 2’L 1110
Lifting service Montreal

Exposed Face - Right Corner

Concrete Block Sales Montreal

Exposed Face

Heavy Equipment Transport Montreal

Rock face left corner

Description Dimensions Weight (lbs)
Exposed Face 2’H x 2’D x 4’L 1595
Exposed Face - Right Corner 2’H x 2’D x 4’L 1940
Exposed Face - Left Corner 2’H x 2’D x 4’L 1940

Prefab Architectural Blocks with Tenon

Concrete Block Sale Services Montreal

Exposed Face
Beveled on Right & Left

Concrete Block Transportation Montreal

Exposed Face
Beveled on Left

Concrete Block Sales Montreal

Exposed Face
Beveled on Right

Lifting specialist Montreal

Exposed Face
Beveled on Right & Left

Description : These blocks are designed for constructing round walls.

Description Dimensions Weight (lbs)
Exposed Face
Beveled on Right & Left
2' H x 2' L x 2' D 1025
Exposed Face
Beveled on Left
2' H x 2' L x 4' D 2280
Exposed Face
Beveled on Right
2' H x 2' L x 4' D 2280
Exposed Face
Beveled on Right & Left
2' H x 2' L x 4' D 2235

Prefab Architectural Blocks, Flat Finish

Heavy Equipment Transport Montreal

Exposed Face - Beveled Left & Right

Concrete Block Transportation Montreal

Exposed Face - Beveled Left

Heavy Machinery Transportation Montréal

Exposed Face - Beveled Right

Concrete Block Transportation Montreal

Exposed Face - Beveled Left & Right

Description Dimensions Weight (lbs)
Exposed Face - Beveled Left & Right 2' H x 2' D x 2' L 1025
Exposed Face - Beveled Right 2' H x 2' D x 4' L 2280
Exposed Face - Beveled Left & Right 2' H x 2' D x 4' L 2180
Exposed Face - Beveled Left 2' H x 2' D x 4' L 2280

Description: These blocks are designed for constructing curved walls.

Architectural Wall Legend

Lifting specialist Montreal

Example of flat and beveled finish

Concrete Block Sale Services Montreal

Assembly with L-shaped finish coping

Concrete Block Transportation Montreal

Example of Tenon Block Finish

Prefabricated Concrete Products

Lifting specialist Montreal
Heavy Equipment Transport Montreal
Concrete Block Sales Montreal

Prefabricated Concrete

Our prefabricated pieces comply with the current CSA A23.4 standard.

Feel free to contact us for more information.

Safety Barrier (Jersey)

Lifting service Montreal
Concrete Block Transportation Montreal
Code Dimensions Weight (lbs)
J2 2' 846
J3 3' 1190
J6 6' 2380
J8 8' 3170
J10 10' 3960
J12 12' 4725
JJ12 12' 4725
J13 13' 5150
The Jersey

The safety barrier is made from recycled concrete. This signaling item is used in parking lots, parks, and cities.

Male or Female Musoir Guardrail

Concrete Block Sales Montreal

Steel Key

Concrete Block Sale Services Montreal

Concrete Key

Concrete Block Rental Services Montreal
Description Dimensions
Steel Key Upon request
Concrete Key Upon request

MTQ Male and Female Guardrail

Concrete block transport service Montreal

Anchored Bridge Steel Key

Lifting specialist Montreal

Steel key

Description Dimensions Weight (lbs)
Anchored Bridge Steel Key 13' L x 2.7' H x 2' D 5150
Steel Key 13' L x 2.7' H x 2' D 5150

MTQ Guardrail

Concrete Block Sale Services Montreal


Heavy Machinery Transportation Montréal

90º Safety Guardrail

Concrete Block Rental Services Montreal

"Y" Connector Element
Female and Male

Description Size (ft) and weight 
Male or female steel wrench tapered On request
Connecting element "Y" On request
Jersey 90º On request

Other guardrails

Concrete Block Rentals Montreal

Right Angle Guardrail (13')

Concrete Block Sale Services Montreal

Custom Guardrail

Description Dimensions (ft) and weight
Right Angle Guardrail On request
Custom Guardrail -

Storamur with Steel Key

Concrete Block Transportation Montreal

Storamur Assembly Example

Concrete Block Transportation Montreal

Storamur with Male & Female Steel Key

Lifting specialist Montreal

Female Storamur Corner on Each Side

Heavy Equipment Transport Montreal

Right Angle Storamur

Description Dimensions (inches) Weight (lbs)
Storamur (Male & Female) 96" L x 102" H x 48" D 14145
Female Storamur corner on each side 48" L x 102" H x 48" D 10450
Right Angle Storamur
Optional Assembly and Reinforcement Pieces
96" L x 96" H x 48" D 10315

Jersey Barrier with Fence (Straight or 90°) 

Concrete Block Sale Services Montreal
Concrete Block Sales Montreal
Concrete Block Rentals Montreal
Lifting specialist Montreal
Heavy Machinery Transportation Montréal

Concrete Bell

The concrete bell is used for signaling from basic parking stops to large foundation structures, including safety guardrails. 

It marks boundaries, guards buildings, and limits access. Painting it makes it easier to see. It's used in parking lots, open land edges, parks, cities, and can even hold up marquees.

Signage Pole

Concrete Block Sale Services Montreal

Signage Pole

Concrete Block Sales Montreal

Signage Pole for 2" Pipe

Concrete Block Rental Services Montreal

Extended Signage Pole with or without pipes

Description Dimensions (inches) Weight(lbs)
Signage Pole 32" 7/8H x Ø29 ½" L 1595
2" Pipe Signage Pole 32" 7/8H x Ø29 ½" L 1595
Extended Signage Pole 54" H x Ø29 ½" L 2905
Extended Signage Pole for 2" Pipe 54" H x Ø29 ½" L 2905

Reflective tape available upon request, for an additional fee

Other signage products

Concrete Block Transportation Montreal

Hemispherical base for 2" pipe

Lifting specialist Montreal

Signage bollard

Heavy Equipment Transport Montreal

Reflective tape available upon request

Description Dimensions Weight (lbs)
Hemispherical Base for 2" Pipes 10" H x 20" L 205
Signo Bac 30 ½" H x Ø 29 ½" L 1330
Bollard Signage  43 ¾" H x Ø 7 7/8" L 190

Reflective tape available upon request, for an additional fee.

Signage - Pyramidal Base

Service de location de bloc de béton Montréal

The pyramidal base serves signage purposes, facilitating the display of indications. It can be painted yellow for enhanced visibility and accommodates the installation of a sign post. This signage base finds application in parking lots, at business entrances, in parks, and throughout urban areas.

location de bloc de béton Montréal
Service de transport de blocs de béton Montréal
Description Dimensions (in) Weight (lbs)
For pipe 14" H x 18" L x 18" W 200
U-shaped post 14" H x 18" L x 18" W 200
Luxor 28" H x 36" L x 36" W 1000
U-shaped post of 7" or 2" pipe 15" L x 14" H x 15" D 115
U-shaped post of 7" or 2" pipe 18" L x 14" H x 18" D 200


Other signage products

Concrete Block Sales Montreal
Concrete Block Rentals Montreal
Description Size (po) Weight(lbs)
Signal base 24"  24" L x 8" H x 18" P 285
Signal base 48"  48" L x 11" H x 18" P 575

Concrete parking stop

Service de vente de bloc de béton Montréal
Vente de bloc de béton Montréal
Description Dimensions (in) Weight (lbs)
BL-1 Stop 7“H  X  8½’’P  X 72“L 330
B-1 Stop 6’’H  X 9’’ P  X 72’’ L 374
BL-2 Stop 7’’H X 12’’ P X 72’’ L 550
BL-2 Stop 18’’ H X 12’’ P X 72’’ L 550
B-3 Stop 72" L x 12" W x 18" H 1265
B-3 Stop 96" L x 9" W x 7" H 495


Concrete parking stops serve as barriers for parking spaces. They're appreciated for shielding walls and vehicles. These stops can be painted to enhance visibility and can even be reinforced with anchor rods for added durability. They're commonly found in commercial, public, and private parking areas.